What Is a Fair Percentage For a Referral or a Affiliate Program?


Welcome to the affiliate marketing. You are in charge of promoting a product or service, and you get paid for people purchasing from your website.

This is called an affiliate program and it is quite simple:

Welcome to the affiliate marketing world.

Affiliate marketing is a business relationship between a merchant and an affiliate. The main objective of an affiliate program is to promote the products or services of another company.

Affiliates are paid commissions for sales they generate through their promotions.

An affiliate network is a company that brings together merchants and affiliates in order to facilitate transactions between them.

A merchant benefits from this relationship by gaining access to more potential customers, while an affiliate gains access to multiple offers that can be promoted across different channels such as email marketing, social media posts etc..

General recommendation for good commission rate.

The average commission rate in the affiliate marketing industry is 15-50%, with some of the best performing affiliate programs offering rates as high as 70%.

This means that if you were to make a sale, you could earn as much as 7x your investment.

The reason why people are willing to pay a high percentage for referrals from their friends and family members is because they know that person will take care of them and not just flake out on them when things get difficult.

It’s also important for companies to offer competitive commissions because it makes their products seem more desirable.

They need to offer something special so that customers will choose them over competitors instead of going somewhere else with less commission payout but better quality service or products at lower prices.

What is an average commission rate ?

As you can see, we're talking about a wide range of numbers here.

The average commission rate as a whole is 10-15%, but that doesn't necessarily mean that every affiliate program's actual commission rate will fall within this range.

It all depends on how well your affiliate program converts, which is in turn determined by the quality and relevance of your product or service offerings, the strength of your product's marketing materials (including blog posts), how much effort you put into promoting it on social media and more.

The bottom line: You want to make sure that you understand what kind of commission rates are typical for your industry before diving in headfirst into an affiliate program.

If nothing else, this will help protect yourself from getting involved in something unsustainable or unsustainable for your business model.

What is a fair commission rate for a food blogger?

Affiliate programs are also a great way to monetize your website and they're a win-win situation for both the affiliate and the merchant.

Affiliate programs can be used to increase traffic to your website, but they’re not just about putting up links.

If you do it right, you can drive genuine traffic which will help you build relationships and make money in the long term.

How much commute can I expect to make with an affiliate program ?

You should not expect to see big money immediately.

It is a long-term process and the more traffic you have, the more money you will make.

The same goes for links.

The more links you have, the higher your conversion rate will be and that means more money for you. It’s really all about patience and perseverance when it comes to affiliate marketing.

What are the best performing affiliate programs ?

  • Affiliate programs that work well for you.

  • Affiliate programs that are easy to use.

  • Affiliate programs that offer good commission rates.

  • Affiliate programs that are easy to promote. A good affiliate program will be inviting, enticing and engaging. It is important to have a clear goal when promoting your affiliate program. If you don't know what you want out of the deal, it will be extremely hard for anyone else to figure it out either.

  • Easy to get approved for - You will often find affiliate marketers using more than one platform at once so it's important they can all easily be approved on without any hassle.

Should I start my own affiliate program?

Finally, the last point to consider is whether you have the resources to support your own affiliate program. A good affiliate program requires a strong product, sales and support teams, and marketing team in order to be successful.

If you don't have these things already in place, building them up will be time consuming and expensive.

So before you dive into this kind of venture, make sure that it makes sense for your business model—if it doesn't fit with what else you're doing then setting up an affiliate program may not be worth it.

Keep in mind that affiliate programs are not a stand alone solution.

There are a lot of programs that are out there where people are trying to sell you on affiliate programs as the answer to all your problems.

They act like if you sign up for their program, it's going to be a magical silver bullet that fixes everything and makes your business successful overnight.

This is not true at all! If anything, having an affiliate program is just one piece of your marketing strategy.

It's not a replacement for SEO or marketing or even sales in general (since most people who decide they want something will buy it directly from the site they found it on).

Understanding the different types of affiliates

  • Affiliate: An individual or business that promotes a brand, product or service in exchange for a commission on sales.

  • Affiliate Network: A company that manages relationships between affiliates and merchants as well as accounting processes, website management and other administrative tasks.

  • Affiliate Program: A marketing strategy in which a company incentivizes individuals to promote its brand by offering financial compensation for sales made via their marketing efforts.


Knowing how much to pay your affiliates is important and can be a tricky one to figure out.

The best way to do it is by testing different commission rates on your own site and seeing what works best for you.

Remember that this isn't just about paying affiliates well, but also getting enough traffic from them so they will continue promoting your products or services over time.