How Can an Affiliate Marketer Succeed Using Organic Traffic


If you're an affiliate marketer, chances are that you're always looking for ways to increase your organic traffic. You know how important it is to rank high in Google to make sales and get paid your commissions.

That's why I'm going to share my favourite tips on how you can start ranking higher in Google without having to pay someone else (like a link builder) hundreds of dollars per month.

First, you need to know the difference between organic and non-organic traffic.

  • Organic traffic is free and non-organic traffic is paid.

  • Organic traffic comes from search engines, while non-organic comes from ads.

  • Organic is more valuable because it's more targeted and longer-lasting than non-organic.

The three things that matter most for ranking are backlinks, content and on-page SEO.

As you can see, backlinks are the top ranking factor. This means that they're the most important element of your SEO strategy. Not content or on-page SEO.

Content is next in line, but it's not as important as backlinks. If you don't have any links pointing to your site, then no one will be able to find it and read your content anyway!

On-page SEO comes last because it's very easy for Google to detect these things automatically - so if you do them correctly from the start, there's no need for an expert review later on (which would cost money).

To build backlinks, you need to use a mix of link building tactics.

To build backlinks, you need to use a mix of link building tactics. You can't just rely on one or two methods and expect results. Instead, it's necessary to utilize a variety of strategies in order to generate the most natural links possible. For example:

  • Use content marketing tools like infographics and videos as well as blog posts that include relevant information about your niche (e.g., how-to guides). This type of content will attract readers who might not even know about your affiliate website but are interested in what's being discussed there anyway!

  • Don't forget about guest blogging! Guest blogging involves submitting guest posts on other sites with an established audience (like Huffington Post). Even though this isn't directly related with backlinking strategy per se, guest blogging is still very important because it helps expand your reach beyond what your current website could accomplish alone; moreover, it provides another way for search engines such as Googlebot (Google's crawler) or Bingbot (Microsoft's crawler) to crawl new pages within their indexes which ultimately contributes towards improving rankings over time...

The easiest way to pick a good affiliate product is to check first.

Before you can pick a good affiliate product, you have to know what makes a good affiliate product. The easiest way to pick a good affiliate product is by doing your own due diligence.

Google is the best place for affiliates to find products. You will have access to all of their data and information about the products that they sell, which includes reviews and ratings from previous customers.

No, you shouldn't try to game Google's algorithms. It doesn't work and gets your site penalized.

There's a lot of information out there about how to get your site to rank high in Google. Unfortunately, many people only see the short term and focus on getting their site ranked quickly.

They want it now and don't take into account the long term consequences of gaming Google's algorithms.

This is not only a bad idea, it can also get you penalized by Google!

Here is why:

  • Google is constantly changing its search results algorithm (or “bot” as we marketers like to call it). The goal of this algorithm is to provide users with relevant, high quality content when they use a search engine. If someone searches for “how do I get my affiliate marketing business started?” and gets an article on top that says “buy our course right now!” then that person may click on another link based on what they were initially looking for—but ultimately won't convert into an actual purchase or signup because the content isn't related enough for them at all (and therefore not useful).

There are multiple ways to increase organic traffic - signing up for services like Linkwhisper or Oxyleads isn't one of them!

While the concept of link whippers is tempting, they're not a viable long-term strategy for increasing organic traffic. Link whippers are services that claim to be able to increase your website's ranking by building links and sharing images on social media. These sites exist solely to make money off of affiliate marketers who want quick results with little effort. There are two problems with this approach:

  • Link whippers violate Google's terms of service because they don't provide value or creativity in any way, shape, or form; they only exist as a means of making money off the backs of others' hard work.

  • Link whippers waste time (and therefore money) when compared to other forms of content marketing that have proven track records for success in increasing organic traffic over time!


The best way to increase organic traffic is by taking care of your SEO and building backlinks. This can be done through a variety of techniques, but the most important thing is that you create high-quality content for your readers. I Give them a solution to there problem ,,show them the benefits ,and a incredible amount of value !